To help raise awareness of breast cancer and the importance of screening and early detection, our businesses in the Philippines and Malaysia have both been actively engaged in campaigns to get the message out to the public loud and clear in different ways.
In a drive to increase awareness of breast cancer, our Philippine joint venture Troo participates in “Passionately Pink”, a health prevention campaign supported by Troo’s partner Filinvest. Filinvest is the majority owner of Troo’s bank distribution partner in the Philippines.
Passionately Pink is designed to aid and support breast cancer patients and their families, whilst helping to educate the wider community about breast cancer and the importance of early detection. Troo actively promotes the project to employees through internal advocacy, resulting in employees and families being personally invested in this important project. This year several Troo employees joined the Passionately Pink virtual fun run to show their personal support for the cause.
In conjunction with the Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, the National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) and Etiqa jointly offered free mammograms to underprivileged Malaysian women alongside a full programme of health and awareness activities. Etiqa’s culture is focused on making things Fast and Easy, whether it is to purchase insurance, submit claims or receive payouts. The company took this philosophy one step further extending it to the broader community letting people know that breast screening can be just as Fast and Easy.
The programme is now in its 3rd year and Etiqa plans to continue to raise awareness in this important area, where early detection is improving breast cancer survival ratios.